Please use the form on this page to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our products.
Before you do so, here are answers to a few questions we frequently get:
1. All our items our pre-orders and shipping dates are estimates. We do our best to get these items to you quickly, but they do take time for us to print and paint, so thanks for your patience. You will receive a tracking number as soon as they are out.
2. If an item is not listed in our "Shop", it is not currently available for sale. Unfortunately, we do not produce pieces on-demand and are unable to honor requests for individual prints of older parts.
3. We do not print other people's files. If you have a digital file you'd like printed, we suggest using a print-on-demand service like Shapeways.
If your question is not addressed by these above answers, use the form to contact us. We will do our best to reply to your request as quickly as possible.