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Details on the "God's Fire" Series


Updated: Feb 1, 2021

We have been getting a ton of questions about the "God's Fire" series of Templar characters from Emil Wickman and Steven Biesiada, so we wanted to quick address those here and give fans an update on these amazing parts!

The next two characters in this series, the Faithless (shown above) and the Redeemer (shown below), will be available for sale in our January 23rd sale. They will be offered as unpainted prints, and there will be a limited number of painted pieces from Steve available as well. This will be the first time these two characters are offered for sale!

The first two God's Fire characters, the Believer and the Judge, were first offered in our October sale. We've heard the requests from fans who want another shot at these, especially with the other characters now coming out, so BOTH of those heads will be offered again in the January sale as unpainted pieces.

Now, the piece that seemingly EVERYONE is excited for is the Fallen. This character, who includes a removable "skull mask", was first revealed at our "Team Wolf King Holiday Special". Since that time, he has received a ton of love online in the Mythic communities and he has quickly become one of our most requested items. The Fallen, along with the other God's Fire release shown during the Holiday Special, the villainous "Dragon Warrior" are currently slated for upcoming sales, with at least some items tentatively planned for late February/early March. Those parts are all being test printed now to ensure they are ready for you!

Emil and Steven continue to work on other characters and add-on items for the God's Fire theme. In addition to other heads/characters, they have some other surprises in the works as well! Those will be available at a future date - but for now, if you want to jump on the God's Fire train, the January sale will be your shot at the first 4 characters created, and the sale after that will include the next two.

In addition to the update information, Emil and Steven have just launched a cool new website for this series! You can check it out now at!



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