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The Team Wolf King Holiday Special and Reveal Extravaganza!


First off, thank you to everyone who participated in our recent "In Stock" sale. We had an amazing turnout and I hope that by bringing back all these older pieces, those who missed out previously or who just wanted more were able to get what they needed! Some of these orders have even shipped already, and more will continue to ship in the coming week or so! Additionally, ALL orders from the "Monstrous October" sale are now on the way. We were waiting on a few parts for some of those, but they are in the mail now!

While I don't know when we will do another giant catalog sale like this again, I do hope to bring back older items regularly in 2021, and some of our most popular pieces will certainly make regular appearances.

Speaking of 2021, I have something super fun to announce today - the Team Wolf King Holiday Special and Reveal Extravaganza!

If you watch Jeremy Girard's weekly "Mythic Conversations" show on YouTube, you've already heard him talking about this event, but here the full details for all our fans:

- This special edition of "Mythic Conversation" will take place LIVE on Saturday, December 19th at 2pm EST right on

- Jeremy will act as the host, and I will join him along with Emil Wickman, Steven Biasieda, and Walter DeMarco. Together, "Team Wolf King" will share some holiday cheer and talk a bit about what an amazing first year we've had - but best of all, we will look forward to 2021 and show a TON of reveals for what we have in store for you! These will not only be items planned for our January sale (yes, we will have a sale of lots of new parts in January), but cool designs that you will see throughout the new year. Each of these artists will have amazing surprises to share, so if you are a fan of "Team Wolf King", this is going to be something you will not want to miss!

Can't tune in live? No worries, as soon as the live broadcast is done, it will be available for replay from the same link and you can go back and watch it on your own schedule.

2021 is going to be a big year at Wolf King Customs, and it all starts right here - 12/19/20 at 2pm EST. The entire Team Wolf King hopes to see you there!



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